Rupture Disk

Save $$$ with Saf-T-Change™

Quick Disk Replacement (QDR™)

The downtime and associated production losses experienced by process plants following a rupture disk activation can be reduced substantially by having a spare disk and holder ready to install. This can be improved even more by having a system which does not require multiple personnel, the use of tools and equipment, and elaborate remediation prior to exposing operators to open piping. Introducing the BS&B Saf-T-Change™ Quick Disk Replacement (QDR™) system, allowing rupture disks to be replaced in seconds instead of hours or days and get your process back up and running in the shortest time possible. Contact BS&B today for more information.

Typical 10” Rupture Disk Replacement
Traditional Rupture Disk QDR Benefits
Staff 3-people 1-person 2-people exposure
Tools Tools, cranes, etc. Zero Tools Hazard and Hassle Saved
Time to Replace 8-hours < 10 minutes 8 hours of production Saved
Lost product @ $10,000/hr $80,000 $0 $80,000 Saved
Inventory Cost - $60,000 $60,000
Savings* - - $20,000
*subsequent replacement savings of $80,000 each